
Safety & Support: COVID-19 Response

WE ARE OPEN!  Read below for information on how our office is taking the necessary precautions while still providing Essential Health Care for you and your family!


Essential Healthcare Service Statement

As we continue to respond to the ever-changing environment around COVID-19, the safety of our patients, staff and doctors is our highest priority.  We understand that new information is being released daily and we will continue to adapt our policy and procedures as needed and recommended by the CDC.

As we navigate this situation, Triad Health Center is relying on guidance from national, state and local chiropractic associations and health organizations to direct our actions.  These organizations view chiropractic care as an Essential Healthcare Service that can be used by patients with a wide array of health conditions.

As a result, Triad Health Center will remain open for our patients and community.  We remain committed to providing top quality health care for our community during this time.  We know that chiropractic care plays an essential role in the lives and health of our patients and feel it is our responsibility to be there for them during this time of need.

We are closely monitoring recommendations and protocols established by the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), as well as state and local health departments.  We will continually monitor these policies and adapt ours as necessary as new circumstances develop.


Practices & Procedures in Place:

As a precautionary measure, Triad Health Center has adopted Practices and Procedures in office which are compliant with the current CDC guidelines to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

–  All adjusting tables and exercise equipment are liberally disinfected before and after every patient

–  Alcohol-based hand sanitizing stations are available in all areas of the office (70% isopropyl alcohol)

–  As hand washing is shown to be the most effective at preventing viruses like COVID-19, we will continue to keep the restroom available to our patients and stocked with antimicrobial soap

–  We have added additional alcohol-based spray sanitizers throughout the office that patients may use

–  All doctors and staff are washing hands frequently and sanitizing after any physical contact

–  Patient screening questionnaire prior to treatment

–  All Pro Lordotic Neck Exerciser (PLNE) units have been removed from the common area; patients are recommended to bring their PLNE from home to use prior to their treatment and perform their PLNE stretches at home as prescribed

–  We’ve removed two of the wobble cushion chairs from our common area to allow adequate spacing between chairs

–  All community reading materials and books, both in the consultation rooms and the common area, have been put away until further notice

–  Our team is using intentional scheduling to space out appointments as necessary

–  To minimize the number of people in our office, we respectfully request that you do not bring siblings, friends or relatives who are not being treated by our office to your family members’ appointment

–  To maintain control over the intentional scheduling and number of people in our office, we are no longer accepting walk-in appointments until further notice

–  Monitoring the health of our doctors and staff closely


Patient Support

We recommend patients follow guidelines issued by the CDC, and if you are feeling unwell, please take steps to safeguard others and remain at home.

If you are experiencing any of the signs or symptoms listed below, we ask that you call our office to reschedule your appointment(s):

    >  Fever of 100.4 degrees or higher

    >  Cough (productive or non-productive)

    >  Bronchitis or Respiratory Infection

    >  Sore Throat

    >  Shortness of Breath

    >  Digestive Complaints, including Vomiting or Diarrhea

    >  Any other Flu-Like or Cold-Like Symptoms

If you have had exposure to others exhibiting these signs or symptoms or have traveled by air or out of the country within the last 14 days, we also ask that you reschedule your appointment.

If you do have any of the above symptoms or you would like extra support at this time, we encourage you to email us ( We have resources available and are here to support you and your family.


Supplement Orders

At this time, we have immune support supplements in stock (available while supplies last) as well as a large stock of viral and bacterial infection support supplements.  You may purchase supplements as normal inside our office.

We are also offering curbside Grab & Go Supplement Pick-Up at this time for those that need it.  To order, please email us ( with the list of what you’d like to order.  We will then call you to collect payment by phone.  Then when you arrive, simply call or text us (336-937-0352‬) and we’ll bring your order to you.

If you are experiencing symptoms and/or are quarantined to your home but need supplements, we will deliver your order to your home or arrange for USPS delivery.  To order, please email us ( with the list of what you’d like to order.  We will then call you to collect payment by phone and arrange a delivery time.


This is a fluid situation and we will continue to update our patient community as needed. We appreciate your compliance, understanding and patience.

If you have additional questions, please email us at