Linda Hood
Emotional Release Therapy Practitioner
Linda has been a leading professional in the wellness industry for over 30 years. She is a Certified Natural Health Coach educated as a Traditional Naturopath, Certified Natural Health Professional, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner and Certified Personal Trainer. She specializes in helping people uncover underlying root causes of their dis-eases and identifying natural therapies that best meet their individual body’s needs to heal.
Linda’s focus is on the use of foods, herbs, homeopathics, essential oils, Vitaflex, detoxing, emotional release therapy, exercise and other all-natural, non-invasive means to help your body heal itself. She stresses the need to address your life as a whole person; body mind spirit.
Linda’s career includes owning a natural wellness practice as well as owning a health club, being a corporate wellness staff trainer, an in-house wellness specialist for a major corporation, and a personal coach to thousands. Her expertise has led to making television appearances as a wellness and fitness expert and speaking at conventions, retreats, and trade shows.
She is happily married to Dr. Jeff Hood and together they teach couple’s classes and facilitate marriage retreats and seminars. Linda is the proud mother of 5 and the ecstatic grandmother of 15!
Linda is passionate about teaching you how to find the simple (although not always easy) lifestyle path to helping your body mind and spirit live in health, peace, and contentment. She brings not only her years of professional wellness experience but her personal challenges and triumphs, humor, and vast knowledge together to coach you to the life you’ve always dreamed of. Linda’s hearts’ desire is to help you live a life of balance and health, enjoy higher energy, have clarity of thinking and creativity, age fabulously and awaken your heart to be alive!
I had always been an exerciser and a conscious eater. My body responded with good health and a slim-toned figure.
I had not always been successful at dealing with painful emotions, setting boundaries for myself, and communicating in an effective way.
After 18 years of living an emotionally dysfunctional lifestyle, my healthy trim body began to manifest symptoms of dis-ease. Even though I looked good on the outside, my inside was a mess.
After most meals I was miserable. I would get bloated and feel “uncomfortably full” for hours. I was chronically constipated and often had foul-smelling gas, breath, and body odor. Sometimes my forearms would tingle during a meal or my nose would begin to run while I was eating to the point that I literally had snot running out of my nose as I ate. Often I would get constriction in my throat like it was difficult to swallow. And then the chest pains began.
At first, they were mild and only occasional, but when they increased in pain and I had 3 in 3 days I was convinced I was having a heart attack and was going to die.
These symptoms were so unusual and new for “healthy me”. I had never known anyone who had symptoms like these. I was puzzled and very scared.
It was not my habit to seek advice from a medical doctor but I had to know what was going on and knew of nowhere else to go. After my tests the doctor said, “Your heart is strong as an ox. What are your other symptoms?” While I was giving him the low down he began writing on a prescription pad, tore it off and handed it to me. I asked what it was and he said, “It’s the purple pill. You have digestive issues and acid reflux. Take this pill every day for the rest of your life and you’ll keep things under control.”
I was shocked but as he was finishing his sentence I heard in my heart, “I have given you everything in nature to heal your body, you don’t need a purple pill every day for the rest of your life.”
I knew there was no need to argue with the doctor. I thanked him, turned to walk out of the office, and dropped the prescription in the trash can in the lobby. I was on a mission to learn all I could to discover what there was in nature that would take away what was causing my pain and digestive issues.
I found the only “natural practitioner” in our area, he sold hearing aids as his #1 business and taught people about natural remedies on the side. Back then the options were slim. But he was so kind and gracious with his time to teach me what I needed to do to help my body. It involved changing my diet, using digestive enzymes, getting my bowels eliminating daily, and dealing with stress in a healthy and timely manner. Within 2 weeks of following what he taught me all of my pain was gone. I was hooked!
He told me there were schools that taught and gave degrees in the natural healing arts, I found one, began taking classes and have never looked back. I am fascinated with our bodies and how they interact with nature and continue to read, go to conferences, watch webinars and take classes daily, there’s so much to learn!
Just as that kind man taught me “how to work with my body”, I would be honored to join you in your natural health journey.
I coach in a way that utilizes both your head and your heart. I teach skills and empower you to make wise choices to “to work with my body” so your body is able to return back to health. My approach is completely holistic, taking into account the whole of who you are, Body Mind and Spirit.
My passion is to share what helped me with anyone who is ready to learn.
I am excited to be joining the Triad Health Center family and I look forward to meeting you soon!