We Are Here To Serve You

As practitioners of Functional Medicine, we consider the patient as a whole, not just a set of symptoms.
Our focus is on identifying and treating the underlying factors which cause pain, illness and chronic disease.


What To Expect

Your first visit will involve a comprehensive consultation with our team of doctors. During this complete assessment, we will discuss your health history, take a physical examination and determine what specialized testing may be needed.

Triad Health Center New Patient Care

We consider multiple factors in the program that is right for you.

  • Environmental Influences Diet, physical activity, toxic exposures and traumas.
  • Biological & Genetic Influences Regulation of hormones, digestion and absorption of nutrients, environmental and food allergies, immune system function and inflammatory responses.
  • Mind-Body Connection Psychological, spiritual and social factors which influence your health and energy.

Next Steps

After preregistration will create a personalized treatment plan that puts you in control and teaches the skills needed to prevent disease and maintain optimal health. Your treatment plan will be tailored with ongoing improvements and modifications to meet your changing needs.